Slingshot Simulations hosted the Digital Twin Consortium for a Sustainable Digital Twin Event Information Day.
This event brought together international industry heavyweights with technical pioneers and the Digital Twin Consortium.
The focus: Sustainable Digital Twins.
Here at Slingshot, we define a Sustainable Digital Twin as a twin which “integrates and analyses data, simulates outcomes, and is implemented in a sustainable way while focusing on sustainable outcomes”.
Our event involved a panel discussion, practical demonstrations and presentations.
The overall focus was ‘How can digital twin technology be used to reach Net Zero goals?’.
“This event was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the potential of Sustainable Digital Twins and their positive environmental impact with global tech leaders and huge industry heavy-weights.”
David McKee
CEO, CTO and Founder
The panel event-
Dell Technologies, IBM and Microsoft representatives discussed with our CEO…
Jeff White
CTO of Automotive Sector, Dell Technologies
Petrena Prince
Global Offering Leader for Responsible Computing, IBM
Ron Zahavi
Chief Strategist for IoT Standards
David McKee
CEO, CTO and Founder, Slingshot Simulations
This panel event focused on ‘Sustainability and the Circular Economy’, driving insight on the environmental implications of technology.
LUCI (Leeds Urban Community Involved) Digital Twin Project-
Leeds City Council came together with universities to utilise our Digital Twin solution creating LUCI …
This demonstration showed how tech (Digital Twins and Decision Intelligence) can combat the issues of disperate data, showcasing the example of LUCI for fast data collaboration, analytics, and sharing.
Leeds city data can be ingested with LUCI, for example: heat data, traffic, land-use and pollution levels. LUCI offers a singular location to visualise and analyse this data.
Our guest speakers:
- Jim Parker (Reader, Leeds Beckett University)
- Nick Plant (Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Innovation, University of Leeds)
- Thom Cooper (Sustainability Manager, University of Leeds)

Digital Twin Technology for Net Zero in Electric Places Context-
In a discussion of our Compass: Engine’s solutions, we partnered with Electric Places to pursue their Net Zero city goals.
Electric Places is a non-profit community interest company demonstrating a low carbon approach to living, working and transportation.
This presentation discussed the regional Digital Twin which spans over 400 square miles. The twin’s intention? Energy reduction and air quality improvement in support of the region’s commitment to achieiving NetZero goals.
Our guest speaker:
- Tim O’Callaghan (Project Consultant, Electric Places)
Tim’s goals included using predictive analysis to help move North Northamptonshire to their NetZero goals.